Joey, Water Conservation Technician

Giving back to the community.

Joey has been a laborer, a plumber, a janitorial supervisor and is now a water conservation technician.

Joey has been a laborer, a plumber, a janitorial supervisor and is now a water conservation technician.

Joey has worn many hats in her 25 year career at EBMUD. She started as a laborer, and then moved on to become a plumber, a janitorial supervisor and now is working as a water conservation technician. Along the way she has been a mentor for a program the District had for special employment which helped young people enter the workforce.

In her current position, Joey is helping the District meet its regulatory compliance for green business and helping it become WaterSmart-certified.

When she started at EBMUD, Joey was not sure she wanted to do as a career. EBMUD allowed her to grow and find her best fit by supporting her and encouraging her growth: “EBMUD will give you the tools for you to succeed in your career and life. It is limited to your ambitions.”

Joey also wanted to take what she learned at EBMUD and help others. Joey has been encouraged to be a mentor,representing the District at career fairs and inspiring young people to look for a trade or career. The skills she learned at EBMUD continue to allow her to share that expertise with the community.

 “EBMUD will give you the opportunity to become your better self.”