Cecil, Senior Water Distribution Operator

CecilEBMUD employees are working 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure that residents have safe, reliable drinking water. Cecil, a Senior Water Distribution Operator, is one of the employees who ensure that our water distribution network operates smoothly at all hours. He works in the EBMUD Operations Center to monitor and control our treated water reservoirs, pumps and pipes.

Cecil is a 27-year veteran of EBMUD, and has worked in a wide variety of positions. That experience provided him the tools to understand how the system works and how to solve problems. “We are a 24/7 team. We each have a different role, and collectively we function to keep the system operating smoothly.” Operations center staff works closely with local first responders to ensure that there is adequate pressure to fight fires, and that water main breaks and accidents (such as vehicles hitting hydrants) have minimal impact to surrounding users. “I am fortunate to be part of a team that includes a wide variety of skilled craftspeople—electricians, machinists, instrument techs, and plumbers—who work in emergency conditions to provide quality services to our residents.”

“I would highly recommend this career to any young person. There are many different opportunities and the work is really rewarding.”