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Water Supply Management Program 2040

The Water Supply Management Program (WSMP) 2040 is a program-level effort that estimates EBMUD's water supply needs over a thirty-year planning horizon and proposes a diverse portfolio of policy initiatives and potential projects to ensure that those needs can be met in dry years. On October 13, 2009, the EBMUD Board of Directors approved the WSMP 2040. The CEQA analysis was challenged in court, and in a ruling issued on April 11, 2011 EBMUD was directed to analyze certain plan components in more detail. On May 24, 2011 EBMUD's Board of Directors set aside the certification of the WSMP 2040 Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR), and directed staff to revise the program. That revision effort has since been completed, and on April 24, 2012 EBMUD's Board of Directors certified the Revised PEIR and adopted the Revised WSMP 2040 Final Plan.


Grace Su, Senior Civil Engineer
Email: Grace Su

Phone: 510-287-7013