The Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) and Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP) are important long term planning documents for the District and are updated at least every five years in accordance with the Urban Water Management Planning Act (California Water Code §10610 –10657).
In the Urban Water Management Plan 2020 (UWMP), EBMUD assesses water supplies against expected water demands for a 30-year planning horizon and outlines actions to deal with future uncertainties which includes a diversified and resilient portfolio as well as recycled water and conservation programs. The Water Shortage Contingency Plan 2020 (WSCP) provides a framework to help address water shortages that may occur and explores a range of scenarios, designed to test assumptions and explore changes, such as the impacts of climate change, changes to population, and integration of uncertainties. These plans are an important part of EBMUD’s long-range plans to ensure water service reliability to meet multiple needs, especially during multi-year drought periods.
The UWMP 2020 and the WSCP 2020 (Attachment 1 in the UWMP) were adopted by the EBMUD Board of Directors on June 22, 2021. They can be accessed electronically using the link below. Hardcopies will be available to view at the local public libraries within EBMUD’s service area, and the California State Library.
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Document | Type | Size |
EBMUD Urban Water Management Plan 2020 | 21.6 MB | |
EBMUD Water Shortage Contingency Plan 2020 | 2.5 MB |