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Commercial waste

EBMUD Staff Ensure Permit Compliance

EBMUD Staff Ensure Permit Compliance

Through its pretreatment and pollution prevention programs, EBMUD works with industries and commercial businesses to reduce the discharge of pollutants to community sewers and ultimately to San Francisco Bay.


EBMUD issues several types of discharge permits: industrial facilities, groundwater, short-term and limited volume (special discharge), and estimated wastewater volume. For assistance in wastewater permitting needs, please call 510-287-1651.

Commercial Pollution Prevention Program

EBMUD requires certain businesses to implement best managment practices to reduce pollution and to ensure Bay protection. For assistance in the requirements call 510-287-1651.

Commercial Waste Treatment FAQs

Get answers to frequently asked questions about commercial waste treatment, and see the list of public entities that own or operate wastewater collection systems within the EBMUD wastewater service area.

Resource Recovery (Trucked Waste)

A variety of waste can be permitted and treated at the wastewater treatment upon receiving a permit. For assistance in the requirements call 510-287-1632 or email

Wastewater Control Ordinance & Discharge Limits

EBMUD's Wastewater Control Ordinance provides legal authority for EBMUD to implement the pretreatment program. The ordinance establishes regulations and charges for the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater, and penalties for violations. The ordinance also establishes discharge limits for certain pollutants. In addition to EBMUD's limits, the District enforces EPA discharge limits that apply to specific industries.

Wastewater Rates, Charges and Fees

Permit fees, permit monitoring and testing charges, wastewater treatment rates, service charges, capacity fees, waste minimization fees and wet weather fees can be found on this page.

Pretreatment Report

EBMUD prepares an annual Pretreatment Report for the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The report contains information about EBMUD's monitoring of permitted facilities as well as other pretreatment program activities over the previous year.

Document Type Size
EBMUD 2023 Pretreatment Annual Report PDF 2.7 MB