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Permits and wastewater discharges

EBMUD works with businesses to control pollutants discharged to the community sewer. Please see separate permit requirements for Cannabis, Dental, and Restaurant/Food Service Establishments

Industrial Facilities

Wastewater discharge permits are issued to federally regulated categorical industries as well as industries that discharge pollutants of local concern, high flow and/or high strength wastewater. 

The federal regulations can be viewed on the U.S. EPA website by scrolling down to “Subchapter N - Effluent Guidelines and Standards” and select “Parts 400 – 424” or “Parts 425 – 471”.

Document Type Size
Standard Terms and Conditions PDF <1 MB

Short-Term, Limited Volume Discharge

Special discharge permits are issued for the short-term, limited volume discharge of many different types of wastewater or groundwater meeting special discharge criteria. The discharge criteria are listed in the application below.

Zero Discharge Facilities

Permits requiring "zero discharge" are issued to facilities that generate regulated wastewater but do not discharge the wastewater to the community sewer. All federal categorical facilities that do not discharge regulated wastewater must have a "zero discharge" permit.

The federal regulations can be viewed on the U.S. EPA website by scrolling down to “Subchapter N - Effluent Guidelines and Standards” and select “Parts 400 – 424” or “Parts 425 – 471”.


Wastewater discharge permits are issued for the long-term discharge of groundwater from soil and groundwater cleanup sites.

Document Type Size
Groundwater Discharge Permit Application PDF <1 MB

Estimation of Wastewater Volume

Customers may wish to apply for a permit if they do not discharge a significant amount (more than 20 percent) of their incoming water to the sewer. This type of permit estimates the wastewater volume, which would otherwise be based on the incoming water volume, and calculates the treatment charge. This permit can result in significant savings for the customer.