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Financial reports

To maintain transparency and ongoing communication with customers and investors, EBMUD produces a variety of financial reports.

The Annual Audited Basic Financial Statement includes the independent auditors' report, management's discussion and analysis, basic financial statements, and required supplementary information.

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report combines the Annual Audited Basic Financial Report with unaudited introductory and statistical sections.

The Annual Unaudited Continuing Disclosure Information Statement contains operating and financial information that is required to be reported under disclosure agreements. Information includes historical operating results and debt service coverage, rates and charges, and various other supplemental data that may not be presented in other annual financial documents.

The Unaudited Quarterly Statements include the balance sheet and the statements of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets as well as some additional notes.

Also available are EBMUD's Quarterly Unaudited Investment Reports, Annual Audited Employees' Retirement System Financial Statements, and Annual Audited Joint Power Authorities Financial Statements for the four Joint Powers Authorities in which EBMUD participates. Joint Powers Authorities have a significant relationship with EBMUD but are independently governed; therefore, their annual audited financial reports are presented discretely.

Archived financial reports

NOTE:  For Quarter 4 financial information, please refer to the Annual Audited Basic Financial Statements above.


For more information, please contact David Glasser, EBMUD Controller,, 510-287-0479.