Retirement System financial reports

To maintain transparency and ongoing communication with customers, investors, employees and retirees, East Bay Municipal Utility District Employees’ Retirement System produces a variety of financial reports.

The Annual Audited Basic Financial Statement includes the independent auditors' report, management's discussion and analysis, basic financial statements, and required supplementary information.

The Pension and Health Insurance Benefit (HIB) Valuation Reports along with the supplemental valuation and GASB reports contain the actuarially determined value of the System’s assets, extent of its liabilities, the System’s overall funded level and recommended District and employee contribution rates.

The Actuarial Experience Study discusses economic and non-economic actuarial assumptions used to develop the system’s Pension Valuation Report. The study is based on data from the preceding four years and recommends assumptions that will be used going forward.

The Actuarial Economic Study discusses the economic assumptions used for the System’s Valuation Reports. The study includes inflation, cost of living increases, investment returns and salary increases. The study is based on data from the preceding four years and recommends assumptions that will be used going forward.

The Quarterly Economic and Performance Reports are presented by the Retirement System’s investment consultant at Retirement Board meetings. These reports discuss the Retirement System’s investment portfolio performance and the larger economic and investment market environment


Table of Contents


Investment Policy

Pension actuarial valuation reports (5 most recent years)

HIB actuarial valuation reports (5 most recent years)

Supplemental valuation reports (5 most recent years)

Retirement System GASB reports (all)

Most recent experience study

Document Type Size
FY 2016 to FY 2020 Experience Study PDF <1 MB

Most recent Economic Assumptions Study