Alerts and outages

This map shows locations where emergency repairs require water to be shut off without advance notice. Emergency repairs may include a broken water main or a hit hydrant.

If this is a water emergency please call


  • Planned operational outages: When EBMUD makes repairs for operational reasons, we notify customers in advance; these water outages are not shown on this map.
  • Planned improvements: EBMUD improvements to our water system may impact service. View the map of planned improvement projects.

After repairs are made, you may want to flush the water in your house. Turn on your front hose bib – the outdoor faucet at the front of the house – until the water runs clear. Also run cold water from the faucets inside your home for 1-3 minutes until clear.

 Sign in to subscribe for emergency alert text and emails. Learn more at Alert subscriptions.

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Scam Alert: Beware of imposters  

EBMUD has received reports from customers who are being visited at the door by individuals pretending to be EBMUD representatives. Be wary of unexpected visitors at your door or suspicious phone calls from potential utility impostors. Follow these recommendations to protect yourself and your family.  

At the door or on the phone

If you suspect an individual is impersonating an EBMUD employee, hang up and call EBMUD anytime call 
1-866-403-2683 to confirm the identity of the person at your door. If you feel you are in danger, call 911.

If you have received an in-person visit or phone call of this nature, and believe you are the victim of fraud, contact local police. 

What to know: 

  • EBMUD maintenance employees fixing a leaky pipeline or making other repairs on your block will never ask to enter your home, but they may knock on your door to notify you of a temporary water outage or to ask you to move your vehicle if it is blocking access.   
  • EBMUD employees visiting your home for a plumbing inspection, water conservation audit or tap water test may ask to enter, but these visits are always pre-arranged with customers. If this visit is not scheduled or if you feel suspicious, do not open the door.
  • If an EBMUD employee is at your doorstep and requests to come inside your home, ask to see their work identification through a window or the door's eyehole and ask what is the purpose of the visit. EBMUD employees always carry identification with their name, photo and employee number visible. Many, but not all, are uniformed. All maintenance crews fixing a leaky pipeline on your block drive EBMUD vehicles.