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Public records

Public records request 

As provided for by the California Public Records Act (CPRA), EBMUD offers access to its records upon receipt of a request which reasonably describes an identifiable record or information produced therefrom. Such requests are handled by the Secretary of the District, who is the Custodian of Records.

For general information about EBMUD programs and services, please contact us or call (866) 403-2683.

For account and billing questions, please review our FAQs. If you require additional account or billing information, please email or call (866) 403-2683.

Board of Directors
Please visit the Board Meetings page to access materials related to Board, Committee, Special Board, and Retirement Board meetings for the past three years. Please submit a request through the Public Records Request Portal below for materials older than three years.

Purchasing/Contracts/Bids/Contract Equity
Please visit the Business Center

Submit a Public Records Request 
Please submit your request via the Public Records Request portal.
* Please note you will be leaving and will be redirected to the JustFOIA system to complete your request. Notifications regarding your request will come from the JustFOIA system.

Government compensation

EBMUD provides information on salary and other compensation to the California State Controller’s Office for public review. This is part of our mission to ensure fair and open processes, ensuring fair rates and charges and exercising responsible financial management.

View EBMUD employee compensation by scrolling to "Browse the Data" and selecting "Special Districts". In the table search, type "East Bay Municipal Utility District."

SB 272 compliance 

SB 272 adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of enterprise systems by July 1, 2016 with annual updates. Click here to view EBMUD's catalog