Vendor frequently asked questions

You will be listed in our vendor database. For purchases over $10,000 and under $70,000, EBMUD buyers can request quotes, make purchases and share vending opportunities from vendors in the database. For purchases over $70,000, EBMUD will conduct a formal bidding competition, post the opportunity at and attempt to notify all relevant vendors in the database.

A commodity code is a numeric code used to match the products and/or services a vendor provides to EBMUD's needs. Vendors should select commodity codes that best reflect their core business. Vendors often select as many commodities as possible, thinking it will increase the number of quote opportunities. However, since EBMUD tries to rotate opportunities through our vendor list, you run the risk of getting a quote opportunity for something you don't normally handle if you select codes that are not part of your core business.

No. EBMUD is required to obtain three quotes on materials and construction contracts over $10,000. We do our best to rotate opportunities among vendors in our database. Large dollar and/or multi-year contracts are posted on our Materials and Supplies page and advertised in local newspapers. EBMUD emails notices about the opportunity or actual bid documents to prospective bidders in our vendor database.

Materials, supplies and construction contracts are awarded based on bid amount. Service contracts can be awarded based on price, but are usually awarded based on a combination of criteria that includes price, qualifications, schedule, etc.

Yes. See the Contract equity program for more information. EBMUD’s program includes a five percent bid discount. Our goal is to award 50 percent of all contracts under $70,000 to small businesses.

The best way to learn more about the products and services used at EBMUD is to attend a business forum or workshop where you can meet EBMUD employees (see our Buyer Assignment List below) and learn about our business processes. Information on upcoming business forums workshops can be found under Contract Equity Program.

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EBMUD spends the most contract dollars on construction projects. These contracts are usually known well in advance and the bid process is well-documented and scheduled. The best way to learn more about upcoming projects is to check construction bids to look at current and future bid opportunities. Also, register in the database Finally, you should follow the Contract Equity Program newsletter and attend our business forums and workshops held throughout the year. EBMUD has stringent outreach requirements for subcontracting, so attending our events may open subcontracting opportunities.

EBMUD is always looking for new and improved materials. If you have a product you want us to consider, first contact the buyer of that commodity. The buyer will ask for information or samples of the product and will share the information with the employees who use the product. Finally, if EBMUD wants to stipulate the new or improved product, our material review committee will review all the information and approve or disapprove its use.

We use the information in your profile as our primary means to contact you and identify business opportunities that match your core business, so it is very important for you to maintain accurate information. You should update your profile at least annually and every time your contact information changes. To update, follow the instructions under Vendor Registration. Another helpful hint is to use a general e-mail address that doesn't change often and is not tied to a single individual.

If you are registered with a valid email address in our database, please go to Vendor Registration and follow the instructions to get your password.

If you are registered, but don’t have a valid email address in our database, please email us at or call 510-287-0454. You should also contact us if you are unsure whether you are registered or not.

EBMUD procures IT Systems, hardware, and services based largely on existing infrastructure, systems, and software as well as current and projected business needs. Systems, hardware, and services must be compatible and secure. To be notified about our current or projected needs, vendors need to be registered in our Vendor Management System. Once registered, vendors will be automatically notified of potential business opportunities.