Materials and supplies bids

Current Requests For Quotations

Our current RFQs (formal invitations to bid) can be viewed and downloaded for submission. 

Bid Results

Current bid results which reflect the apparent low bidder at time of actual bid opening.

Purchase Order Terms

EBMUD standard Terms and Conditions governing purchases via Purchase Orders.

Purchase Card

EBMUD now uses purchase cards to make low-dollar purchases.

A Purchase Card is a card-based system that allows employees to make business-related purchases.

When employees from EBMUD use a Purchase Card to pay for an item, you:

  • receive payment within 72 hours
  • must provide a receipt to the employee
  • must not send invoices for payment of items purchased with the purchase card
  • must clearly label all documentation “Purchase Card”
  • must not split transactions to stay below limits
  • must not keep account numbers on file for future sales

If you accept Visa, then you are already set up to receive purchase cards.

For additional information about our Purchase Card Program contact Mel Go at or call (510) 287-2017.