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Virtual tours, webinars and videos

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EBMUD Education Elementary Student Fact Sheet PDF <1 MB

Curious about how water and wastewater systems work at EBMUD? Check out a virtual tour of a water treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant, or a significant fossil discovery.

Self-guided virtual tours of Water / Wastewater treatment plants

Water Treatment Plant

Tour a Water Treatment Plant

Use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge for a self-guided virtual tour of EBMUD's largest treatment plant, which produces 2.5 billion glasses of water per day.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Tour a Wastewater Treatment Plant

Find out what happens to the dirty water from your toilet after it goes down the drain. Take a self-guided virtual tour of EBMUD’s Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Miocene fossils in Mokelumne River Watershed

Virtual tour: a significant fossil discovery dating back millions of years on EBMUD land.

Fossil Discovery Virtual Tour

En Español


Water Wednesday Webinars

We offer free webinars on various topics including EBMUD careers, innovative infrastructure, drought and more. Submit ideas for future topics to

Register for the next Water Wednesday here.

Watch past Water Wednesdays here.

Educational videos

For more videos, check out our YouTube playlist by clicking here.