Stay in Touch

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We miss you! The days of chatting with customers at community fairs, visiting classrooms, and providing facility tours are on hold for now. Until we can gather again (and we hope to soon), we’ve developed new ways to stay connected online. The heart of our system is nestled in Orinda, where our largest water treatment plant is available to tour virtually for the first time at

From the comfort of your couch and with a cup of coffee in hand, you can embark on a journey to discover how the water for your java makes its way from the Sierra Nevada to the East Bay where it is treated to the highest standards.  

Every day, raw water from the Mokelumne River watershed is treated producing more than 1.8 billion glasses of water for our customers. See first-hand how your rate-dollars are put to work as you learn about every step in the treatment process. In service since 1936, the Orinda plant recently underwent a $22 million upgrade to ensure even greater reliability. We lovingly call this treatment plant “a work horse” and after taking this tour, we’re confident you’ll see why.

Cyber Hikes
Check out our favorite East Bay hikes and e-trail maps at

Wastewater on the Web
Virtual wastewater treatment plant tours are available for schools and other groups. Sign up at

Yoo-hoo! Can we talk?
Our resolution is to expand the way EBMUD communicates with you. If you’re interested in receiving information from EBMUD, please update your contact information.

• Visit and click on “Sign in” with your EBMUD ID (email address) and password.

• Click Manage Your Account and you will be directed to update your contact information.

• If you haven’t registered for an EBMUD ID, have your 11-digit account number handy and go to