
Why is my street being repaved?  

EBMUD opens up 4,000 - 5,000 excavations in the public right-of-way each year to replace miles of pipe, repair broken mains and service lines and install new service lines and fire hydrants. Every time we excavate a street, we restore it. Our crews are committed to leaving behind a smooth, durable and freshly paved surface.

Temporary vs. Permanent Paving

A common source of confusion is the difference between temporary and permanent paving. During construction, temporary paving is applied to provide a safe road surface for driving. The paving may look less finished, but EBMUD crews will return to provide a polished paving job.

After construction is completed, EBMUD crews return to permanently resurface the street (this may take 30 days or longer based on weather and workload). When the permanent asphalt pavement is new, the surface is black and has an even and smooth appearance that blends in with the surrounding asphalt.

Frequently asked questions about paving 

To repair a broken water main or install a new pipeline, we have to excavate your street. That may require anything from a small hole to hundreds or thousands of square feet of pavement removed. Once our work on the water main is complete, we backfill the hole with a fine gravel or sand, compact it, then patch it temporarily, but we will return for permanent paving. This may take 30 days or longer based on weather and workload.

“No Parking” means that cars parked on the street during the restricted date and hours may be subject to towing in order to provide our crews access to the area without damaging vehicles. About 24-48 hours before paving begins, EBMUD crews place construction barricades at the job site with information about the date and time construction will take place. Residents will be asked to park outside of the construction zone.


Each paving job is different and the duration depends on the size of the work area and location. To get specific information about paving near you, please check the construction barricades located by the job site with information about the work duration. Also, feel free to speak to the Crew Foreman who can provide specific details about paving work.  

Paving crews typically work Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. On occasion, weekend work is necessary.

To complete paving work, heavy equipment is needed, resulting in loud noises for a short duration of time. We apologize for the inconvenience. We are committed to providing the highest quality pavement restoration.

Streets are owned and maintained by the corresponding town, city or county. When EBMUD paves a street, it is due to EBMUD-related impacts such as a pipeline replacement or a main break. We resurface streets to fulfill the restoration requirements set by each community.

Asphalt lightens over time blending in with the existing grade of asphalt.

When needed, EBMUD paving crews will park backhoes and rollers overnight during an active paving job to access the equipment. When our work is completed, we will remove equipment from the job site.

There are a number of possibilities. EBMUD crews may be coordinating with other entities regarding construction activities. Other possibilities include weather, equipment, or supply breakdowns that may delay work.

EBMUD crews may be waiting for the pavement to cool before opening up the street to traffic to avoid damage to vehicles and the new pavement.