Understanding Board Meetings

Understanding the Agenda

Regular Meeting

Held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month in the EBMUD Board Room. The regular meeting is divided into two segments: closed session at 11:00 a.m.; regular business meeting at 1:15 p.m.

Closed Session

Held for a specific purpose, such as addressing a personnel or litigation matter. For reasons of confidentiality, these sessions are closed to the general public.

Special Meeting

Occasionally held at the call of the Board President to consider specific items. These meetings are open to the public.


Held to provide background information to members of the Board of Directors. No formal action is taken. All interested citizens are invited to attend. (Check agenda for location.)

Public Forum

An opportunity for citizens to address the Board on Items not listed on the agenda.

Consent Calendar

Contains matters which are considered to be routine or non-controversial. Only one motion is needed for approval of all items listed on the Consent Calendar. Any Board member or member of the public may request that an item be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration.

Public Hearings

Scheduled hearings are held on items for which hearings are required by law and on matters of special importance. At the close of the hearing, the Board may consider action.

Determination and Discussion

Contains non-routine items such as adopting a new regulation or considering a position on a proposed law.

Reports and Directors Comments

Information reports by the General Manager, Committees, and Directors.

Addressing the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors encourages citizen participation. Attendees who wish to address the Board may complete a "Speaker Card" and present it to the Board Secretary.

The Public Forum portion of the meeting provides an opportunity for citizens to speak on items not listed on the agenda. The Board of Directors is limited by State law to providing brief responses, asking questions for clarification, or referring a matter to staff when responding to items that are not listed on the agenda.

The Board President calls on speakers at the appropriate time and speakers should approach the podium and state their name for the record. Speakers have a time limit of 3 minutes.

Common Terms


Formal statement of a proposal for Board action. A Motion may be used to approve, deny or continue items, accept reports, or establish Board policy or procedures.


A law adopted by the Board of Directors. Ordinances require two hearings: an introduction at one meeting followed by adoption at a later meeting.


Formal expression of decisions, opinions, or intentions made by the Board.

For Further Information

For more information, an interpreter or any other special accommodations, please call the Secretary's Office at (510) 287-0404. Board of Directors meetings are wheelchair accessible.