Retirement Board

The EBMUD Retirement Board meets bi-monthly on the third Thursday of January, March, May, July, September, and November, respectively. The Board may also meet at other times as needed.

The Retirement Board consists of three members appointed by the Board of Directors of the District, two members elected by and from the membership of the Retirement System, and one non-voting Retired Member elected by retired members. The Retirement Board is publicly charged with responsibility to administer the Retirement System and the Retirement Fund for the benefit of its members, and to secure the payment retirement allowances and other post-retirement benefits authorized by the Retirement Ordinance.

Read the East Bay Municipal Utility District Employees' Retirement System Ordinance July 1, 2023.


Name Date Time Available Reports
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EBMUD public Board meetings will be conducted via Zoom.
Board meetings are recorded, and live-streamed on the District’s website.

Please visit this page beforehand to familiarize yourself with Zoom.

Retirement Board meeting agendas and minutes from the previous two years can be viewed in the Archives.
