Plan for purple


As the drought continues, EBMUD customers have increasingly been asking about recycled water in the East Bay. EBMUD already provides more than 8 million gallons a day of recycled water. 

EBMUD is proud to announce an expansion of existing recycled water pipelines to Bishop Ranch in San Ramon and Shellmound Avenue in Emeryville. These projects, which will connect scores of new commercial irrigation customers to purple recycled water pipelines, will free up millions of gallons of drinking water each year for EBMUD customers.

While construction on these two projects is underway, EBMUD is tapping a recycled water alternative for commercial customers that steers away from the more expensive commitment of building new pipelines: commercial water trucks.

EBMUD now offers free fill-ups of recycled water for commercial water trucks at our wastewater treatment plant in Oakland. Licensed commercial trucks can load up and transport thousands of gallons of recycled water for construction and outdoor landscaping. By allowing 24/7 access to the recycled water, EBMUD provides flexibility for commercial users to embrace a new way of meeting their water needs while freeing up precious drinking water. Find construction updates and more information about what EBMUD is doing to expand the use of recycled water at