Keep up with the water-saving Joneses



So you’re a water-saving rock star. You irrigate two days a week, use 35 gallons of water per day indoors and take five minute showers. But how does your water use compare to your neighbors?

Find out how you rank with My Water Report, a personalized summary that compares your water use to similar households using information on irrigated landscape area, climate and the number 
of residents. Every billing period, you’ll receive an emailed report with customized water saving recommendations. Participants get access to an online portal for detailed analysis of their water use.

The report is based on behavioral science concepts wherein people strive to behave similarly to their peers—in other words, people like to “keep up with the Joneses”. This combination of competition and peer motivation has proven successful.

EBMUD initially launched a year-long pilot of the water report in June 2012 with nearly 10,000 customers. Following successful completion of that pilot, in which customers reduced their water use by five percent, EBMUD launched the formal program in 2014. Now, more than 50,000 EBMUD customers receive home water reports and over 7,000 visit the online portal.

Now customers living in single-family residences can opt-in to this program. Sign up at with your account number and a password.